
Journal Publications

In preparation

Poster Presentations

M.F. Panichello, D. Jonikaitis, Jin Oh, S. Zhu, E. B. Trepka, & T. Moore “Intermittent Coding of Memoranda by Ensembles of Prefrontal Neurons During Working Memory.” Society for Neuroscience (2022)

K.J. Miller, L Freeman, Jin Oh, M.M. Botvinick, K.D. Harris “Structured credit assignment in mice.” The Multi-disciplinary Conference on Reinforcement Learning and Decision Making (2022)

A. Lebedeva, K.J. Miller, Jin Oh, K.D. Harris “Neural Correlates of Reinforcement Learning Across the Brain.” The Multi-disciplinary Conference on Reinforcement Learning and Decision Making (2022)

Jin Oh, K.J. Miller, A. Lebedeva, K.D. Harris “Comparing cognitive models of dynamic reward learning in the head-fixed mouse.” Society for Neuroscience (2021)

A. Lebedeva, K.J. Miller, Jin Oh, Y. Wang, K.D. Harris “Recording neurons across the brain during a two-armed bandit task.” Society for Neuroscience (2021)

Jin Oh, SV Srivatsa, K Lin, J Lucas, P. M Doraiswamy (2017). “Proteomic Markers of Cognitive Decline in Subjects at Risk for Alzheimer’s.” The 2nd Annual Center for Aging and Human Development Research and Education Retreat (2017) & Society for Neuroscience (2017)

B. Kim, Jin Oh, J. Andrews-Hannah, C. Woo “Dynamic Modeling and Brain Decoding of Internal Thoughts and Emotions.” Society for Neuroscience (2018)

* indicates equal contribution.